Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy Holidays

from freezing me... and my happy husband!

I took lots of photos while we were in Kansas City for Christmas. Some will show up on my furrie blog soon I promise. And I'll have to share some here as well! Stay tuned... and try to stay warm too!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Almost the New Year

I thought I'd made resolutions the last couple years but when I went back in my posts it looks like I made one for 2007 and then 2008 but somehow left out 2009. So here we are about to start 2010 and I'm going to make resolutions again. I know, I know. I still have time to think about them as it's only mid-December... but I'm doing this a little early this time.

So 2007 was:
Resolution One
I will be more environmentally conscious.
and the typical
Resolution Two
I am going to eat better, work out more, and lose weight.

and 2008 was:
1. I want to be completely out of debt so I can get in debt with number 2.
2. Save for a new car/house/camera lens.

I talked about 2007 in 2008's post. But I guess I probably never talked about 2008's resolutions. I guess I can pretend they were two year goals. I'm not out of debt although I think I was much closer at one point. We did, however, buy a house in March of this year! I also have a new camera (Canon 40D) and I know I bought my 60mm macro this past year... So yay!

This year I have a knitting resolution! I learned to knit on January 16, 2009! And I like it!! So I have continued to make things this year... I now would like to make things in the round... so that's goal number 1.

I also would like to go back to a resolution from 2007. I know I'm not good at eating better but I would like to work out more and lose more weight. I was actually at my heaviest earlier this year at 145. I began counting calories and eating smaller portions... still my junk but just less of it. I'm now down to 130! I would like to lose 5 more pounds but I've been stuck at 130 for a couple months now. So I guess I should start running again or join the gym or something. The nice (and not so nice) thing is that none of my clothes fit... they are all too BIG!

And resolution three will be, hopefully, fun for me. I'm going to start tracking (on my blog) the books I'm reading. I joined Goodreads awhile back but I'm terrible about updating it. So I'm going to blog about my books. Starting this month! : )

So this year I have three resolutions:
1. Learn to knit in the round.
2. Work out and lose those last 5 pounds.
3. Blog about/track the books I read each month.

Nothing too crazy... all should be quite doable!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Shabby Apple Dare to Design Limoncello Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

I love yellow. And I uber-love yellow dresses!
But for some reason... well, I don't own a single one. And ever since I saw the episode of Glee with the mashup and all the girls wearing different yellow dresses, my hankerin' for a yellow dress has only increased. So imagine my delight at seeing this blog post!! Check out the purty dress... but if you enter and win, you better send me that yellow dress!! ; )

Shabby Apple Dare to Design Limoncello Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


New tile!!
The tile on the right is what was already here. We added the border and the tile on the left into our living room. No more icky carpet that the dogs can stink up!

Apple says she loves the new tile too!

And on November 14th our new beautiful sectional and ottoman will be delivered! The room is gonna be gorgeous! Yay!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Today's Pet of the Day is...

Check it out HERE!!

Now I just need to submit our other four pets...
: )

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Okay, so it has seriously been like a million years since my last post. I realized how bad it was today when I went to my friend Katie's blog and there were so many posts I hadn't read that I even had to go to the next page... and then I found where she had actually recommended a website to ME! It had to do with knitting with DPN's for those who are curious...

But anyway!
Stuff that's new in my life:
We bought some new furniture! A king sized bed and a fabulous mattress (which better last FOREVER since it cost an arm and a leg) as well as a mongo sectional for the living room. Furniture should be delivered Nov. 14th! And, yes, we got the giant ottoman too! I love ottomans!

We also bought tile just yesterday. A lot of our house is already tiled and we tried our best to find the tile so it could just continue out into our living room but with no luck. Discontinued. But we did find the brand, Florida Tile, and picked another tile with scalloped edges (that was what made it so hard to find something too) that's a gray color with speckles. Our current tile is kinda beige with grey and tan flecks so this will still be the same color family but different. We'll put a border in and then have the new tile at an angle to break up the spaces. And the new tile matches the countertops in the kitchen so that's good too. It was super stressful and we spent more on the tile than I wanted to but in the end I decided that it was worth being done with the stress!
We have a tile guy and hope to have it put in around the first week of November... before the furniture arrives! And then everything will be purty for my parents' visit for Thanksgiving. They've yet to see our new home!
New tile is Florida Tile Mendocino Mist:

On the knitting front... I've been working on a lace scarf and a blanket buddy for various other people. I finished a scarf for me but no photos of it just yet. It has finally cooled down here this weekend (it was 66 at 2 yesterday afternoon!!) so maybe I'll get a chance to wear it!

Still having issues with Max and his allergies. It's been a very long spring/summer with many, MANY vet visits. We have tried various things and nothing works for long. Meds clear him up but then the allergies return when the meds are gone. We switched to a hypoallergenic food but it doesn't seem to be doing anything either although since it has only been 6 weeks of the new food, we'll keep him on it a bit longer. Our next step is allergy testing but he has about another month before they can do that because the meds he was on have to be out of his system. Which means that even though he is all itchy and broken out again right now, he's only on benedryl... and is wearing an old t-shirt of Chris'. Poor guy.

Oh! And Kristen had her baby!! Sean Wyatt! He was a couple weeks early but came out weighing 6lbs, 15 oz and was 19 inches long. I got to go visit in the hospital and even hold him! He's tiny but very cute!

And now I'm off to dig up some lunch. I'll try not to let to blog go for so long next time! : )

Monday, August 31, 2009

Old Swampy

Yes I'm quite aware that the above is probably the worst photo ever... but I know you want to see what the last post photos actually turned into! The pumpkin cupcakes were delish... and I have enough pumpkin and buttermilk to make more... so I'm tempted. Mmmmm...
Plus who wants the extras to go to waste? : D

You'll have to wait to see the peanut butter bars though... I think I took a photo of them. I'll have to look tonight!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Mmmm... food!

I just got back from St. Pete this afternoon and all I really want to do is flop down on my bed and snooze with the monsters... but I have a baby shower to attend tomorrow and I'm baking!
Before photos for you!
Pumpkin cupcakes. Recipe from Hello, Cupcake! Going to be making Old Swampy (alligator). Will definitely have to post after photos! : )

And my peanut butter bars:

Ingredients in a bowl. Art. Mmmmm...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I can't resist an amazing piano/cello piece!
Love this!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I did it...

I didn't really think I'd ever join Twitter... but I finally caved and joined last week! I'm still figuring it all out and trying to find people/vendors I know. It's actually kinda fun to see the little updates!
You can follow me here: http://twitter.com/filmgirlie

Are you on Twitter??

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Finished Knitting!

I finished a couple things this weekend... so I have to share of course!
First I started AND finished a catnip mousie. It was from a pattern that my swap partner sent me (see previous post)... I decided it was time to quickly make one after I caught Clementine playing with my knitted bracelet!
It was super quick and easy... and it's cute!

Plus, as you can see, the cats liked it!

Do you see who is poking her head out of the tube behind Uni?
Clementine wanted the mouse! I think I'm going to have to make a second one so they can each have their own... and not wrestle over this one!

And the other finished object is a seed stitch scarf! I made it for Chris and he loves it! Yay! He'll be able to wear it when we go to KC for Christmas...

Now I have to figure out what I want to make next! I'm thinking I need to go back and finish my sweater...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ravelry Swap

I joined my first ever swap on Ravelry this month and was part of a Summer Swap. I had a great time researching my partner and finding things she would like. I even managed to finally get the box in the mail this morning before running errands with my husband. When we got home...

Chris was making fun of me the whole time because everything I unwrapped I squealed over! He was amazed at how well my partner, MuddyMoose, knew me!
Wanna see my stuff??
: )

How cute is the message on my box?! I almost got yelled at for “ordering” something… and then he saw the note!

LOOK at all these cool things!

There are two cookbooks… cupcakes and ice cream ! My tummy is rumbling just thinking about it!
Also Yarn Harlot’s book, Things I learned from knitting. I got daisy print AND cupcake print baking cups… now I have no excuse not to start in on the recipes in the cupcake book right away! And MuddyMoose handmade the cutest coasters and tea towel/napkins!
There is an adorable spool of ribbon with flowers which I love! And button pins from Ravelry… one with BOB!!!
A cookie cutter in the shape of my favorite food, an ice cream cone! A bag of buttons! Cute buttons! Dogs and flowers and such…
A tiny bracelet that is perfect for my tiny wrist, mini note cards, a wine bottle stopper, a tin for my button collection (which keeps growing and growing!), magnets, cupcake paper and pencils, a sample skein of recycled yarn and a sample skein of handspun (I’d love to be able to spin someday!!), and ice cube trays shaped like lemon wedges (I can’t wait to make lemonade and freeze it in those trays!).
There was also #3 bamboo needles and 2 skeins of Sugar n’ Cream yarn (hot green and hot blue) to make the summer dishcloth patterns she sent as well!
More patterns for a garden bracelet and, MuddyMoose didn’t leave out my babies, a pattern for catnip mousies! Yay! Maybe I can wrestle my first knitted toy away from Clementine with the temptation of one of these!

More photos!

One more thing! Last but certainly not least!
TREATS for my puppies! They are her dogs’ favorite and I can smell why! lol…
You can see that mine love them too!
Everyone at attention:




MuddyMoose did FANTASTIC!
I know there are a thousand exclamation points in this post but that’s exactly how I feel!
: D

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Books and TV

Just finished:

Starting at lunch today:

Will need to purchase asap:

My new favorite show... Joni and Justin let me borrow Season 1:

And this came out yesterday... since I'm addicted, I'm going to try to stop and grab it after work today:

I'm so upset that this is all there will be... two seasons. Hmph. I can't believe it got cancelled!! It's AMAZING!

On a happy note though... Harry Potter 6 is coming out this weekend!! Weeee! I'll wait awhile to see it so I don't have to deal with a packed theater but I'm super exited! Woohoo!

EDIT: So I ran from my car into Target in the pouring rain... only to discover that PD Season 2 doesn't come out until NEXT Tuesday. *sigh*

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hot scarf!

I made a farrow rib scarf for my dad... ironically, the day it arrived in the mail for him it was 100 degrees outside!
We're all going to Kansas City for Christmas this year so I wanted him to have it before Christmas Day... I almost kept it for myself! The yarn is super soft and such a pretty navy blue. But it will look fantastic on my dad and hopefully he really likes it and isn't just saying he does!

And speaking of Kansas City, I just got back from visiting my sister and her husband there for the holiday weekend! Joni and I went out to a LYS (local yarn store) while I was there called The Studio. It was HUGE! Of course I bought some yarn... Noro! I took photos but I haven't uploaded them yet so you'll have to wait. The girls from my knitting group saw it last night and loved it! Yay! I did good!
I also bought some yarn for my Ravelry swapee... this is the first swap I've ever been in and I'm having a lot of fun picking things out!
Joni bought some yarn too. I retaught her how to knit while I was there. A coworker had shown her a year ago. She was probably halfway done with a garter stitch scarf when I left! : )

And now I'm off to read. I'm reading Inkheart which I bought in KC when I finished my library book that I had taken along. I'm enjoying it alot!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Knitted Bracelet!

How fun is this idea?!!?
And it took just one day... not even a whole day.
I love bracelets so this was a perfect way to keep me motivated!

I've also finished the back and the front left of my sweater! Just have the right front and the sleeves now! Woohoo!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy Dance...

Sometimes I wind up posting the same thing on this blog and on my Furrie Fotographie blog. Not too often but once in awhile. I guess I figure that you (that's a collective you) don't read both blogs. But maybe you do...
My happy dance is for this:

and this:


New hair! I got bangs...
Photo taken by cell phone... not edited at all. Pardon it's darkness...

Friday, May 01, 2009

Galinda... with a Guh.

I saw WICKED!!
Wednesday I tried for tickets via the lottery again since my name wasn't drawn from the basket on Tuesday. This time Chris met me up there and put his name in as well... twice the chance.
And of course, HIS name was drawn.
He probably won't let me forget that for awhile...
: )

The show, although long, is fantastic! If you have a chance to see it, you should!
And I found out, while waiting in line to put my name in the lottery, that there is a third book in the series! I had no idea. I don't know how I missed that!
So guess who bought it yesterday?

Tomorrow morning I have a shoot with a Chinese Crested named Cupcake. I'm so excited!! I can't wait to meet her!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Wicked... and... Bruises... and Knitting. Oh My!

So my poor little body is all sore and bruised. I'm not entirely sure where the bruises on my arms came from... I must be getting old. Or maybe I need to eat more bananas. Don't they help with bruising?
The bruises all about my knees are from this weekend. I had a shoot with two very sweet labs. And when I have shoots, I like to get down on their level with the camera... and sometimes that means "walking" about on my knees. Not always... sometimes I shoot "from the hip" without looking through the viewfinder. But those can be hit or miss... so sometimes I get a bit bruised. Expecially when we are inside on wood floors!
Totally worth it though... I've been working on the photos and there are lots of cute ones that I really hope their pawrents like! You can see the sneak peek over at the Furrie Fotographie blog if you are interested.

Wicked is in town!! I want to see it soooooo bad!! I have read it, of course. And I have read the sequel, Son of a Witch. Chris got me the soundtrack from the musical last year too. My problem is that if I am going to pay a bunch of money to see a show, I want good seats. Even if that means paying a little bit more. Unfortunately, Wicked tickets (the good seats) are over $130!! EACH!
I read in last friday's paper that they are doing a lottery. People will have the opportunity, 2 1/2 hours before each show, to put their name in a drawing. Ten names will be chosen and they can buy up to two tickets for $25 each!! And... this is the best part... they are the GOOD SEATS!
So I'm going today. And I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed. Because I can't justify spending $130+ on a ticket when we just got the house and there are so many things that need to be done.
I'll let you know if I get in! : )

And last... for the few of you who might be interested in my knitting stuff... I'm working on a sweater!

Mine is green though... and it might not look quite so "holey" because the photo is crochet and I'm knitting. But it's my first garment!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


a little at a time...
I moved last week!! We closed late Monday afternoon and moved the same day. I was also sick sick sick. It wasn't fun... not only could I not breathe, but I lost my voice as well!
But then my sister came to visit Thursday. She was down in Orlando for work so I drove to pick her up; we even made a quick(ish)stop at IKEA. I'll get into more detail about the house and my sister's visit later.
First, an update on a couple knitted items!
I made another bib for little Katie who is due in May. This was the sequel to the pink bib:

Do you like the horsie button? I got it in the same package as the pig button... and there is a lion (which I need to save for my sister) and an elephant. Oh, and the dreaded giraffe.
I wasn't sure about the green color but then one of the girls in my knitting group said it would be perfect when the baby is eating peas!! : )

And what's this?

Hmmm... what could that knitted thing be??

And I did end up making it a scarf... a wide scarf... but it only took two skeins of yarn. Since it's cotton, it's super soft too!
I wasn't going to post this next photo but then I thought Katie might get a kick outta my shirt. Not baby Katie who received the bib! Adult Katie!

I gave it to Joni. She lives in a suburb of Kansas City so I figured she would get much more use out of it than me...
Yes, she's outside in the sun wearing a short sleeve tee... but it's March and we're in Florida... and I wanted some photos!

Then I got her to work it... show us you love the scarf, Joni!

And a final close up.

I finished my mouse... except for his tail. I've been lazy about taking pictures of it though. If I'd been smart I would have gotten a couple while I was talking the scarf shots. Apparently I'm not smart...

And now I'm tired so I'll have to continue posting later about the house and such... : )